Monday, May 25, 2009


Conversation tonight with Two Fish:

TF: Ew. Are we having THAT for dinner. I don't like red beans and rice!

Me: Well...sorry.

TF: Do I have to eat it? Daddy doesn't like it either!

Me: Well, he's not here and I'm not making anything else. Besides, your daddy was born in SC. He doesn't have to like red beans and rice, only shrimp and grits and Frogmore stew. You were born in MS, so you do. If they hear you say you don't like red beans and rice, they're likely to revoke your birth certificate. So, you just watch it mister...

Me? I scarf them both down. Especially if I'm not the one who originally made them. Which I did not tonight. So, d-lish-us.

1 comment:

jennifer said...

one of my biggest pet peeves is eeewwww!!! at dinnertime. it sends them to time-out EVERYTIME!! it is always something i have cooked which makes it worse. but for the record it is never eeewww! just a little more gourmet then usual.