Saturday, December 13, 2008

RIP Hooper

Our old friend is gone. Courage sucks but somehow we managed to summon enough of it last night to give one last gift to our dear friend. We debated and agonized and cried and planned and looked for any way out. There was none. The Scientist said that Hoop D would tell him. By the time he got home from work yesterday, we both knew that he was doing just that in any way he could. He had stopped walking the day before and never regained either the ability or desire. His eyes pleaded with us and apologized to us and we knew we owed him something we just didn't want to give.

We loved on him and rubbed all over him and lay on the floor with him in the office. He was much more calm and peaceful than we were. I tried in vain to summon whatever I had so that his last memory of me wouldn't be anxiety and grief. He looked at me with glassy eyes, as if to say, "I did a good job, didn't I?" Oh, yes, dear friend, you did.

In the end, he went to sleep in our arms and seemed to breath one final sigh of relief and thanks.
No regrets. No guilt. Just grief, and heaps of it.

Somewhere, right about now, my Rosie Posie isn't believing her eyes or her dumb luck. She is probably demanding to speak to the management and is hissing, "How'd YOU get in here?!" Keep it civil until we get there, guys. We'll be the ones carrying the fribee and the tennis ball. See you then....


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written.
Grieving in Columbia.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry. . .the relationship with a dog is an amazing thing and I am so glad that you had that.


Katie said...

I am so sorry. I love you.

Marian said...

Oh Nell...there are no words. Hooper must have missed Rosie Posie so much. I am so sorry for your heartache. Take Care

Marian said...

Oh Nell...there are no words. Hooper must have missed Rosie Posie so much. I am so sorry for your heartache. Take Care

Marian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shannon said...

I'm so sorry. That was beautifully written, just like the rest of your blog. And now I'm sitting here with tears in my eyes, my heart hurting for all you Fishies.

Anonymous said...

I am so sad about Hooper. I know how much he was a part of the family and the relationship the scientist had with him. Big hugs for you all.
you are all in my thoughts. hope the puppy kisses make you feel better.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry what a sad time for you and your family.

Mocha Freak said...

Usually you are makin' me laugh ... and I literally have tears. I know this is late but so sorry for your huge loss ...bummer. :( Sounds like he was as lucky to have you, as you were to have him. :)

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say how much Hoop D was loved by all who knew him and what wonderful doggie parents you guys were. He couldn't have asked for a better life. I will always remember our time at Lake Martin and what a "champion swimmer" he was and have a sweet laugh. God bless him and Rosie Dog, wether she wanted it or not, they are together again! :) STP

Anonymous said...

I don't know you from David, just stumbled upon your blog and this entry made me instantly tear up.

We had to let one of our dogs go about a year and a half ago and I still miss her intensely.

I'm so sorry.