Saturday, August 29, 2009

You might be a redneck if...

The Fishies are really into fake tattoos. I hate them. They have no sense of positioning and invariably choose to put them in the most conspicuous places on their bodies. Or the least conspicuous but also least appropriate. Like when Two Fish put a general's insignia tattoo on his... well, suffice it to say that The Scientist and I are still joking about the Little General and probably will for a good long while. At least until he becomes a father himself. Maybe longer.

Today, I vowed for the 100th time to banish the dang things from my house. One Fish, Red Fish and I went to a b-day party at a local splash park. It wasn't until I stripped Red Fish down to his swim trunks did I notice that he had been tattooed by his older brother. At least until he wiggled away and Two Fish was evidently forced to abort the mission.

I was the mom with the gleeful two year old with


in big red letters emblazoned across his back. They won't forget us there.


Anonymous said...

we have taken to using paper napkins all the time at the table. my standards have slipped. oh and ketchup bottle on the table too.

kelly bee said...

remember when you used to blog....yeah...good times...

just kidding. know you are super busy with the class. just saying that i miss hearing about your fishies. :)