Saturday, January 12, 2008

And it begins...

For the record, I'm only starting a blog because everyone I know blogs and I'm starting to feel left out. Even my father, blogs, for the love of Pete. I have long maintained that I have nothing to blog about. Nothing. However, since everyone I used to correspond with in my stay-at-home-mommy world has now either gone back to work or is too damn busy blogging, I figured I better find someone else to talk to. Hence, Fishy Busyness.

Why Fishy Busyness? Mostly because fishy business was already taken as a blog name. Much as I am reluctant to admit it, I even tried fishy bizness. I have a deep distain for purposeful misspellings (did I misspell anything in that last sentence? Probably, but it wasn't purposeful). I Do Not shop at stores that use Ks instead of Cs, for example. My favorite (only) carwash in town is named Classy Chasis. I can patronize only because a while back they changed their name from Klassy Chasis. But, I digress. Fishy Busyness seems to fit our lives better anyway. Not too much business going on right now, but lots and lots of busyness. Besides, it seems wonderfully blogworthy to be able to call the minis by fishy names. The 5 month old will definitely be "Red fish." The other two haven't been figured out yet. I'm working on it...

Today on the busyness calendar? One birthday party and a family trip to the gym. Don't laugh. We're trying.

1 comment:

JW said...

Fishy names....hmm.
A challenge.