Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

After a partial night of sleep sponsored in part by the makers of Lortab (at least for me, everyone else was either too young or two stoic to partake in Better Living Through Pharmaceuticals), we are grieving but beginning to recover and heal.

The children are doing surprisingly well considering that they have lost a member of our household they do not know life without. One Fish grieved immediately and seemed to know for sure that she was gone even before The Scientist and I did. Two Fish had to take it all in and had to see and witness every step of the process. It took him a time of quiet observation of our grieving before he cried. Then he cried a lot and was done. We wrapped her sweet body in a favorite blanket and kissed her goodbye. He then asked: "So how long is it going to take her to get to heaven from here?" Oh, with such sincerity. We told him the truth- that she is already there, scoping out the best swimming holes and walking trails and waiting for the day that she can show us around the new digs.

On a lighter note, Mom comes today. My to-do list reads:

1) Clean kids bathroom
2) Put out fresh towels
3) Supervise childrens room cleaning
4) drink double caffeine to make up for poor night of sleep
5) double check Mom's food request list
6) Change sheets on bed
7) obsessively check hurricane tracker online
8) pick kitchen cabinet to straighten
9) straighten computer desk
10) find an excuse, reason, etc. to get out of the house alone so as to go to downtown Art Walk

So far, we can cross off #s 5, 8, 10. Progress is being made on #s 4 and 7.

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