Friday, September 12, 2008

"Menu" Night

I just told the two older fishies that I had a "menu" for tonight's meal. Column A is main dishes, Column B is veggies (choose two), Column C starches and Column D desserts. Basically, it is "eat up what is in the fridge, freezer and cupboard night" in the old fishtank, but what do they care?

The rub is that whoever does the best job getting their stuff picked up in the next hour gets to choose the meal for the family. They start with 100 points and at the end of the hour one point is deleted for each thing I find that is out of place or not picked up. Bonus points for anything considered above and beyond. Points deleted for any whining or crying.

I have just realized that the peace reigning in my house at the moment will be completely overshadowed by the screaming tantrum Two Fish will surely pitch if he works this hard for one hour, only to discover that his sister beat him. I may have to ammend the rules. Whoever wins gets to pick the three items of their choice and second place gets to pick the other two?

I've got to make sure that this works out for me because my house is H-E-A-V-E-N right now. Anyone getting Family Fun realizes that I have totally modified this from idea in the current magazine, but aren't the most sane mommies just the best idea theives?

Edited to add: I did indeed amend the rules. Predictably, Two Fish came in second, but he did work his little distractable, five year old tail off. So, I let him pick ONE menu item of his choice and let him pick it before his sister chose hers. This seemed to appease him, while still allowing her to bask in her glory. When I announced that "if they were good" tomorrow, we could do this again for tomorrow's meal, except do it for the playroom, Two Fish was ecstatic and said to his sister "Bring it ON!" Whatever works...

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