Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Insert song from CHIPS here

The report has been filed. The police were here for an hour and a half. One guy showed up and spent the first five minutes questioning me and why I didn't call this in yesterday (Hello?!? Have you ever tried to get a complete story from a five year old?). Finally, I got him to listen to me long enough to get my whole story out. Snap, the notebook closes. Swish, the magic folder opens. Slap, the official police report form lands on my dining room table. We had made a breakthrough.

An hour later, his sergeant has been called. We have a case number. A detective arrived at my house. She could have been from central casting for Law and Order. Tall, gorgeous, tight but tasteful clothing, sweet as pie and on her way to view security video at The Store a short 30 minutes after entering our home. When the police officer let her in, I heard him say to her, "Very nice family. Easy to work with." Ahhhh. It was good to hear that I was no longer the suspicious wacky mom.

There is no doubt in their minds that criminal activity took place. If nothing else, there is a voyeur on the loose! Who but a "weirdy" (as Two Fish would say) would peek over bathroom stalls at little kids? And with a cell phone in hand? I smell a pervert (and more importantly, so do the police.)

This saga is going to take me right over the top of the 100 post goal, I can tell.

PS- for anyone concerned with my lack of mention of Two Fish's mental health, I will simply say that the most upset he's been through this whole thing is when he realized that he wasn't going to get to tell the police his side of the story. Apparently, the only law enforcement who questions kids are investigators trained to talk to children. So they don't inadvertently put any ideas in their heads or anything.


Anonymous said...

This is so crazy--hope they catch said wacko! Two fish is a good, brave, smart boy for telling you. He deserves a banana split or something!!


Anonymous said...

This is nuts!! I agree with STK. Kudos to two fish for doing the right thing! Let us know what happens!

Joy said...

Yes Kudos to him for telling you the truth about it. I may have to sends hubs down there to do a little inside justice of our own-if you know what I mean.

You deffinetly did the right thing calling the police. This whole thing freaks me out, my little man is 6, he will be joining mommy in the potty from now on, well unless daddy is there to take him.

JW said...

Good description! My grandfishies are SO smart.....

Anonymous said...

Do not beat your self up at some point you have to let little boys go by them selves.
Two fish did the right thing.